Raisa Malinkova
Raisa is a member of the Lasombra Delegation sent by Talley, The Black Knight to Chicago to facilitate the Lasombra joining the Camarilla. She is a former Sabbat Templar freshly returned from the War in the East played by Kim. Spotify Playlist.
Height: 5' 2“
Weight: 115 lbs
Raisa is an attractive petite, 30 something Eastern European woman with shoulder length dark brown hair, pale skin and striking blue eyes. She has a lean muscular build with a modest sized bust. There is something about her presence that makes kine feel uncomfortable and intimidated around her.
Distinguishing Features
- Raisa has 2 scars- 1 from a bullet wound over her right breast and a long thin scar on her right thigh.
- She speaks fluent English but her voice still holds a heavy Russian accent.
Art by Anton Oxenuk
Roussanna Lebedev is a recently discharged Russian Army veteran that has settled into the BDSM scene to get her kicks. She is closely affiliated with Alexander Malenkov and is often seen in various East Coast clubs with him. Her foreign accent, pale skin, piercing blue eyes and intimidating presence makes her enticing as a dominatrix. As a side gig she writes the Court of the Immortals BDSM vampire erotica series.
Rumor has it that she might have ties with the Ukrainian Mob that allows particularly messy situations to disappear.
Bogeyman's Shadow
Soldiers of the Sabbat are not known for their ability to make friends. Raisa is no exception. Her true relationship to Malenkov is uncertain but she was often found at his side or in his shadow for the past 6 decades.
Her deeds pale in the legend of the Bogeyman but she has fought in every bloody battle, every scourging in recent history alongside Malenkov as a Templar.
Past Life
Raisa's life before is a mystery with all of records zeroed out but she is believed to have been a member of the Women's Battalion of Death and possibly involved with the the Soviet War effort in WW2. She is a veteran of the Soviet Union's violent past at the beginning of the century.
Raisa has minor contacts in her Mask's BDSM scene.
Roussana is a minor celebrity in the BDSM scene as a particularly brutal dominatrix and erotica novelist.
Raisa is a native Russian speaker but is also fluent in English.
She has a moderate amount of resources at her disposal.
- Suspect among the Camarilla. As a Sabbat Lasombra, Raisa was not known to hold any love for the Camarilla or its rules. She has slaughtered and tortured many without hesitation. The Sabbat turning their daggers on the clan has not gone well. While she may have been ordered by Talley, The Black Knight to work with the Camarilla, she is not known for her diplomatic abilities. She holds no remorse for what she has done and has given no reason for anyone to trust her.
- Disliked outside of the BDSM scene. Roussanna's minor fame within the BDSM scene coupled with her nature as a former Sabbat makes her creepy and intimidating to those outside of it.
Roussana has a particularly annoying submissive fanboy that is stalking her.
Prey Exclusion
- Ravers - Raisa finds the resonance of Raver blood disgusting and will not drink from them.
- Germans - While Raisa hates Germans, she will not drink their blood. She will brutalize them and kill them, but she refuses to drink from them.
Relationship Tree
- Malenkov - Sire / Lover / Dom
- Talley, The Black Knight - Grandsire / Pack
- Sierra - Pack / Strained / “Aunt”
- Theodore Sadi - Pack / “Rival” / Toy / “Cousin”
- Alexi - “Family”
- Dmityr - “Family”
- Danny - Fucking Malk. Mumbling about the end times. Seems all right so far?
- Thomas "IZZ" DelGato - Poor bastard holding the bag. Dunno what he did to piss off the Prince but, here we are.